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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  November 5, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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to you that we will bring it to you when it is verified, and not if it is not. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. live coverage of backstory, andes -- -- on that story, and these -- thousands a rally in d.c. against obama care. we will take you there and have analysis. >> throw out this bill. >> congressman rangel, the house ethics committee, as you point out, has been investigating since september your failure to pay taxes. >> you can tell the story over and over again, but it has no bearing, and it has no facts. bill: currently under investigation, is there a racial angle to this? al sharpton on that.
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>> why would you do that to a 4- year-old boy? why which you do that to this 4- year-old boy, sir -- why would you? bill: fy with the state still do this with child predators -- and why would the state still do this with chalk predators? -- with child predators? caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: hi, i am bill o'reilly. thank you for watching us tonight. the massacre at fort hood is our top story tonight, and we will update you as it is demanded. this man, major malik nadal hasan shot over 40 people, 11 dead. he used to work at the walter
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reed hospital in washington as a psychiatrist, where he received a poor evaluation for his work. reports are, he was supposed to be deployed, and he was upset with his orders. reports also say two others were taken into questioning, and this is the worst killing at a u.s. army base in history. around 3:00 this afternoon, hasan, fighter two handguns at a facility where troops were getting ready to go overseas -- fired two handguns. here is a reaction to the entire incident. >bret: 11 killed and 31 wounded when at least one soldier opened fire. >> we do not know what is going on. it is very, very stressful. >> walkeddown. -- lockdown.
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>> is a terrible tragedy t fort hood -- it is a terrible tragedy t fort hood -- at fort hood. >> the person was major malik nadal hasan. >> it is horrifying that they should come under fire at an army base on american soil. >> the victims of violence at fort hood. bill: joining us is fox news reporter steve centanni. steve, let's what our viewers through the spring, -- through this thing. let's begin with this guy, major
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hasan. we know that he was a troubled man. there are reports that he told another soldier -- we had this earlier on our air, shepard smith to be the interview -- he said that muslims should stand up against -- shepard smith had the interview -- he said that muslims should stand up against -- >> the army confirmed he was working for the medical services corp., and he was working with other soldiers who had come back from afghanistan and iraq, who had problems, and he, himself, may have had a problem. bill: he was not doing a very good job of it if he had a bad rating from walter reed. >> kay bailey hutchison said the same thing, that he was angry. bill: what was that?
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>> or afghanistan. bill: all right, this is marvelous, so we do not know. what we are getting is iraq -- this is muddled, so we do not know a. there was a rifle fire, -- so we do not know. there was a rifle fire. what are you hearing on that front? >> he apparently walked into the processing center, where people who come back from iraq and afghanistan are process. they are taken care of and are gotten ready to be put back into the system states i, and he goes in there, and we do not know why -- to be put back into the system state side. it made have been at fairly close range.
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all these people are killed and wounded. bill: this is an amazing amount of people to be killed and wounded by one man. i do not want to do any speculation here. we have to adhere to the facts. we hear that there was another soldier picked up after the other two were released. we have not confirmed that, so we just want to keep everything on balance here. at this point, we are awaiting a press conference. maybe the army will update us on these things, but there is no doubt that something strange happened, because one man was able to shoot more than 40 individuals, and that is mind- boggling right there. >> and certainly a tragedy for the army. i have to point out, military bases all across the country and around the world, this is one big family, and whenever they lose people here or abroad, they
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are saddened, and they were shocked about this, because nothing like this has happened. we have casualties of the time. bill: all right, steve, we appreciate your wrapping it up. the problem with reporting a story like this is that there is a lot of stuff flying all around. there are a lot of rumors flying around, but people covering this, and steve certainly is, for one man to shoot this many individuals with two handguns, it looks to me like if there is something else involved here, but, again, if we do not want to speculate the press conference is coming up -- something else involved here, but again, we do not want to speculate. the press conference is coming up, just ahead. now, there are a number of other important stories today, including a rally at the capitol, where thousands of people showed up, and their message was very clear.
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>> kill the bill! kill the bill! can you year us now? can -- can you hear us now? >> you came, and you came for an emergency house call. are they going to listen? oh, yeah, oh, yeah, they are going to listen. bill: maybe not. on the other side, nancy pelosi is just as passionate. >> the difference between the republican bill and the democratic bill is that republicans do not in the discrimination concerning people with pre-existing conditions, and let that stand. that is scandalous.
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bill: the house is expected to vote on the massive 2000-page bill shortly, and today, the aarp endorsed it. fewer doctors would see medicare patients, meaning senior citizens would have to wait longer, so i think that is a mistake. aarp is set to back this bill because they sell insurance that would fill the medicare gap. more than $1 billion, billion with a b. at this point, anything could happen, and we will keep you posted on this very intense debate. it is very important to see exactly what bill will get through, and then when the house of boats, the senate has to, and then that will take forever -- when the house votes, the house has to look at it, and that will take forever. it was interesting to see so many people show up in washington today.
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now, we are awaiting the press conference at fort hood, and we will bring it to you, but coming up, a big embarrassment for the governor of kentucky. the culture warriors are on it.
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bill: the "impact" segment, charlie rangel is under suspicion for financial irregularities all over the place, and jesse jackson, jr., he would also be investigated. the key question, is race involved here? joining us now from atlanta it is the reverend al sharpton. this is kind of embarrassing, is it not? -- joining us now from atlanta is the reverend. >> i do not know if it is embarrassing. the ethics committee has picked up these cases. some people feel they are driven a lot by these groups that keep trying to make allegations that in many cases have ended up being nothing but allegations, so all i would not be embarrassed until anyone is bound to be improper in any way. bill: certainly, charles rangel,
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a feisty guy, the allegations are huge. assets he has not reported. a lease of three rent- controlled apartment in new york city that he has been using for purposes he should not be using them for. you are right. these are only allegations. but this is news. perception is reality, and perception is african-american congressmaen are being looked at for wrongdoing. >> perception. if people start this drum beat, they create the perception that ethics committees have to investigate. bill: the ethics committee is run by a democrat. the majority of people on there are democrats. they have liberal people on there. >> they have to respond to
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public pressure, bill. how many times have i heard allegations against us that ended up being absolutely nothing? but if you get enough of these guys to beat the drum, it costs a lot of legal money. we do not know about all these allegations. bill: you are right in that we have to presume innocence, but you are wrong in the fact that the house ethics committee has to look at it. they have not even removed him from his committee. a lot of these have been proven. he admits it. >> such as what? bill: such as not declaring the beach house in the dominican republic. >> but the ethics committee has to establish that -- bill: but he admits it. he says he did it. >> you can admit jaywalking. that does not mean that it violates the ethics of the
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house. they have to based on the ethics code of the house say whatever he has been accused of -- bill: step aside while we investigate, and then if you are clean, you can come back in. i think they haven't over backwards for the man. the delays, delays, delays -- i think they have bent over backwards for the man. >> if everyone did this we would have no one in the house. bill: you think this is racially motivated? >> i do not think there is a conspiracy of, "let's go get blacks," but some are politically motivated. bill: who are you talking about here? >> you have all of the watchdog groups that are nothing but political front groups, and they
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attack people like me all of the time. bill: big guys like you and i get attacked all of the time. >> i think it is very interesting that it -- the only active investigation they're looking into is blacks. if they were all irish, -- the fact that they are all only blacks -- bill: here is what i do not get. if the ethics committee is liberal democrats, which it is, what are they after black people? -- why are they after black people? they do not have to respond to anybody. >> no, they do not. they do not have to respond at all, but in many ways, i think they do, and i think they are in a position now where people have to look and say, "wait a minute." bill: all right, reverend
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sharpton, thanks for the time. coming up, but culture warriors. and then alan colmes says the election was not about president obama. what's our favorite part of honey bunches of oats? the sparkly flakes. the honey-baked bunches! the magic's in the mix.
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my favorite part? eating it. honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize. pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. new honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches. beautiful.
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bill: "culture war rior" tonight, there was a comment about the christmas tree. kentucky is a traditional place, as you know, and that kind of nonsense does not normally play there. with us is fox news reporter margaret hoover, and gretchen carlson. we wanted him to come on "the factor," but he is really busy. greta: not busy enough to change his mind though. he changed his mind, and he is now back to calling it a christmas tree. you know what i think? this is about what went on it
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with the tea parties. they are going to stand up, and they are going to be heard. bill: why would a guy like this guy, he is a democrat, but kentucky is a traditional state. why would he do it in this place? did he think that no one would pay attention to it? did he think that "the factor" did not exist? -- a once again, i applaud the american people and all across the country -- greta: once again, i applaud the american people. bill: all right, hoover, there was an atheist sign put up next to the christmas trees somewhere. you cannot have any other display. >> i think a lot of americans -- i think every state needs to figure out what is right.
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the governor could have lost his job, so he needed a christmas tree. the bottom line, america is a pluralistic country. we are multi-ethnic, multi- cultural, -- bill: that is not really true. let me destroy hoover, please. i can do it alone. the polls say 70%, and that is 7-0, they are fed up with this nonsense. they want christmas to be christmas. there is no holiday tree. there is no halloween tree. there is a christmas tree that came from germany, and it is a tradition that americans have and race. 70% of americans want that tradition to stay that way --
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and it is a tradition that americans have been embraced. >> it is up to the states, though, bill, and they have to answer to their citizenry. bill: she is a giant pinhead. imposing a ridiculous of view on life on washington. greta: there was a poll last year, remember? bill: they did every nutty thing. greta: they say there is a fear of being sued over these issues -- greta: they say there is a fear of being sued over these issues -- gretchen: they say there is the year. bill-- fear. bill: hoover, are you a fan?
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a cheerleader goes -- there is a hip hop guy on charges, so she gets in blackface to be -- and i am going," are you crazy, delaney?" -- and i am going, "are you crazy, lady? what are you doing? >> the same thing. this might be a lack of education. bill: should not everyone be aware that black americans were beaten and brutalized for more than 100 years? you know, and stop with the blackface? >> in the town that she lives in, that she is a cheerleader for, 50 years ago, they had separate water fountains for black people and white people. bill: there is no doubt that
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this is offensive, blackface, two african-americans, so do not do it. -- to african-americans. and if you want to honor l'il wayne do not do that, because a black paste -- blackface connotes everything that was bad about it. gretchen: people make fun of priests, and i am not minimizing it -- bill: do not do blackface. nothing good can come of that. culture warriors, everyone. plenty more coming up on "the factor." alan colmes says this week's elections were not about obama. and why does a dorante continue to coddle -- why does vermont
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continue to coddle these people? shepard: i am shepard smith, and instead of the commercial, an update on the tragedy at fort hood. the military reports that this is the gunman, 39-year-old major malik nadal hasan. brand new tonight, he drew his attention -- the attention of authorities because of a blog set to equate suicide bombers which a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to save his friends. it was said that major hasan was about to be deployed and was not happy about it. >> there was a time we had a conference about six months ago, and he made several comments
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about, first of all, we should not be over there, and i told them major, "you need to lock it up, major." "maybe the muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressors." at first, we thought that he is talking about how muslims should stand up and help the armed forces in iraq, in afghanistan, but, apparently, that was not the case, because there were other times when he would make comments to other individuals about how we should not be in war at the first place. he thought president obama would pull the troops out and that things would settle down, and when things were not going that way, he became more agitated, where frustrated with the conflict over there, -- more frustrated with the conflicts over there, and he made his views more well-known. shepard: and now, a cousin of his tells us a different story. >> he is a good american, and we
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are shocked. we just found out on the news that he was being deployed. he never even told us, because we have known for the last five years that that was probably his worst nightmare. he would tell us how he would hear things, horrific things from the war that we're probably affecting him psychologically. he was dealing with some harassment -- that were probably affecting him. shepard: that was his cousin. we have much more throughout the night, and we are still waiting for a news conference from fort hood. bill: alan colmes and monica crowley. we said what part of the land of oz rg residing in, and you say? alan: -- are you residing in,
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and you say? do you know where new york 23 is? alan: yes, i do. it is way up there near canada somewhere. how did all the crazy say this was gardisil important that they were going to inject themselves into the race -- how did all this crazy stuff happen where they thought it was so important that they would inject themselves into the race? bill: this is like hugo chavez losing caracas. that is big. that is big, colmes. alan: you always have this big material when i am on. 60% of the people in new jersey -- 56% of in virginia said to go with -- 56 percent in virginia set to go with obama.
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bill: what do you say? >> state taxes through the roof, all of the spending coming out of washington, but who is primarily responsible? the president of united states. when the economy is good, he gets the credit. when it is bad, he gets the blame. bill: colmes, he showed up in new jersey five times. alan: that is what jon corzine came up in the polls. bill: if he did not, then jon corzine would have got to, what, five votes? -- would have gotten, what, five votes? >> a listen. the white house injected themselves to an unprecedented extent -- >> listen. the white house injected themselves to an unprecedented extent. it was a regional party that could only win in the south.
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now, the republicans have come back. bill: yes. alan: you know that always happens -- bill: not so much. i never bought to virginia as a police state. i do not think he just won their. but new jersey, that is big -- i never thought to virginia -- fought as virginia being -- i never thought of virginia being a blue state. >> i am talking about standing up for freedom in the face of tyranny. president obama was invited to mark the anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, one of the great triumphs over tierney, and this man says, "i am too busy"
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-- one of the great triumphs over tyranny. bill: maybe they should have said, "we are reconsidering the olympics. will you, ?" -- will you come? >> massive protests. people want greater democracy in iran. the obama administration said that they will not inject themselves into iranian affairs. this man is so reluctant to stand up for freedom. alan: our image around the world has improved remarkably. bill: what about going to the berlin wall celebration? alan: when he leaves the country, you are so upset about him leaving because of all of the domestic problems. you do not like it when he travels. bill: who are you talking to?
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are you talking to monaco or to me? you are dodging the issue. -- are you talking to monica or to me? if you were him, would you go? alan: i would probably go. bill: you would go? >> you know who is going to be there in spirit on monday? ronald reagan. "mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall." john f. kennedy. bill: so you say it is not that important that he goes. you say that it is shameful? alan: monica, you have not liked one thing he has done since he became president. not one thing.
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bill: are right, very good. "barack and a hard place," and they continue in the green room after we are done. they never stop. and who could beat barack obama? mike huckabee? sarah palin? newt gingrich? please select one in our poll. at the scrubbing bubbles toilet division,
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scrubologists discovered the only thing worse... than a dirty toilet is a dirty clip-on. all: eewww! scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. just stamp it in your bowl. it cleans and freshens for a whole week.
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and dissolves away. scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. the freshest way to keep a toilet clean. and it lasts up to 6 weeks. now that's great value. sc johnson, a family company.
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bill: thanks for stay with us. i am bill o'reilly. vermont has rejected jessica's law, which gives mandatory prison sentences. they believe in restorative justice, where other criminals must be healed, not punished. now, we believe that philosophy puts the children of vermont in great danger, and we began our reporting in january 2006 when a judge sentenced this man, who essentially abused a 6-year-old girl four years, to 60 days in prison. -- who essentially abused a 6- year-old girl for years. >> i get up, and you want to put me in the news. >> people want answers. >> i understand that, and i would very much like to respond what is going on. it is very difficult for a judge to have to remain silent.
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bill: he does not have to remain silent. that was total b.s. and weeks later, he was forced to give him three years. he had to rip up his original sentence, but that was still too lenient, and shortly after that, he quit the bench. jesse waters went to the judiciary. >> why are you protecting them? >> you are disgusting. >> you people do not even begin to know what the truth is. yesterday, we passed a strong bill against sexual predators. if you started by getting your facts right -- bill: another b.s. statement. another person pled guilty to sexually assaulting a 4-year-old boy, and he got a suspended sentence.
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>> hey, judge? jesse waters with the fox news channel. how are you doing? that man sexually assaulting a 4-year-old, and he did not get any jail time. can you explain that? you do not think you owe us an explanation? what? you do not believe in punishment? an explanation? bill: it just makes me angry, and once again, some in the vermont media ignore allowing him to walk free, walk free, suggesting watters caught up with an editor. -- so jesse waters caught up with an editor. >> do not the people want to know in bennington? >> you are apathetic. bill: you are apathetic.
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and batman has violated his probation. still, still -- and that man has violated his probation. jesse up with an editor who continuously attacked. >> why you keep sympathizing with these judges? probation was given to a guy who sexually assaulted a 4-year-old. >> i do not even know the case you're talking about. >> you attacked bill o'reilly for that. >> i do not even remember the details of the case you're talking about. >> sir, with all due respect, your paper ran an op-ed that accused bill of being a bigot and a homophobe for pushing jessica's law. >> we run all kinds of op-ed's with all different points of
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views, so i will see you later. bill: bottom line, vermont remains the most lenient place for child predators. the question is why? joining us is wendy murphy. we have been doing this for three years up in vermont, and things are not getting any better. they have passed a wishy-washy law. why do you think this is going on in vermont? >> you know, i think, frankly, the answer is pretty simple. all of the branches of government responsible for part merely protecting the people, especially children, are run by myopic ideologues, and they march liked lemmings. no one is willing to stand up and say, "we cannot keep doing this, guys." these people are moving to
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vermont in droves. bill: are the predators moving there? >> absolutely, and you know how i know? i have been working in this field for 20 years, and sex offenders talk to each other, and it comes up. they say to each other, "where should we move that we can be free from these terrible, you know, jessica laws people?" mass., and florida has its problems, and we have heard about that little girl down there. bill: if you caught, you are going away for life. >> they had such a tragedy. vermont is going to have that happen. bill: they already had a girl murdered up there. it has already happened. you saw the guy from the wetteland paper. i do not remember -- from the rutlant paper.
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they attacked us, like, what right do you have coming up here? well, we want to protect the kids, sir. >> they got for "the factor." which you calling attention to those judges at those crazy people that have allowed this to happen, the media is supposed to hold them accountable when they fall down on the job rate that was you," factor," holding be people accountable -- when they fall down on the job. that was you, "the factor," holding the people accountable. it is to make sure power does not get lopsided and become corrupt. bill: protecting the defenseless, the children. thank you very much, wendy. "reality check" is next, and school kids singing again.
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bill: "back of the book" segment tonight where we bring you the unvarnished truth. the varnished truth is not worth it. the 27th world series title in
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defeating the philadelphia phillies, 7-3. it was a great series. i enjoyed it. the yankees will be honored by a ticker-tape parade tomorrow. check two. remember congressman alan grayson telling fox news that he was out of line for asking questions in the hallway? >> you know the roles as well as i do, and you are violating the rules -- you know the rules. >> i am in the media, and i am just asking questions. >> do you know what it means to make an appointment? can you do what i suggested? which is that to make an appointment? bill: of course, we violated no rules, and a blogger reposted this on youtube after hearing that. >> i think i just answered your question. you know the rules as well as i do, and you are violating the rules. >> i am just asking questions. why would you not answer my
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questions? >> do you know what that means? can you do what i suggested, which is to make an appointment? i am asking you to do what every other reputable news source does, which is to make an appointment. listen, i do not understand what you do not understand. everyone else makes an appointment when they have questions. why do you not do the same? all of the rules everyone else follows, except for fox. bill: now, we do not know who put that together, except it is great. check 3, some schools with propaganda. supporting president obama. now, the other side. >> obama, we have an song for you. ♪ >> ♪ president obama, by your many actions
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we are beginning to get scared and what we think we will see is our country without its liberty ♪ bill: let's knock it off with the kids, ok? check out for you war, passions running high in the health-care debate -- check number four. >> masquerading as a health- care bill. i think we have more to fear of that health-care bill passing than we do of any terrorist from any country. bill: that may be overstating things, but you can decide. check five, saying it is not
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so. "sesame street" trashing fox news. >> thank you, thank you, u.d. here, dear person. -- you dear, dear person. >> yeah, yeah, i know what you're going to say. >> that is it. i am going to change the channel. from now on, i am watching fox news. bill: check six, saudi arabia not a place to get out of line. one person sentenced to death, and he will have his head chopped off and then be crucified for display. there is no truth in the rumor that a vermont officials will be there to observe. and this is called mutton busting.
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bill: time now for pinheads and
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patriots. one of the good thing about america is we have have many people get involved with charities and causes. 25-year-old tony will you tell us was killed in fallujah in iraq in 2005. his father george has established the honor and remember charity which has created this flag to honor military people who have died in service to their country. so we would like to say that the honor and remember organization are patriots and we hope you support them. on the pinhead front, actor jeremy piven has a health problem. apparently the actor has been drinking a lot of soy milk. as you know it does not come from a cow. it comes from plant. it was inuntended consequence. he says his chest began to grow in a rather feminine way. that is not good. so mr. piven says no more soy milk for him. you make the call on whether he is a pinhead. see, i believe in nature. milk comes from a cow. i drink the milk. finally tonight, just a reminder, we have a brand new feature for bill o' premium members and no spin news
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which is posted on the web site each day. those are stories we don't have time to cover on the factor. i give you my take and you give me your take on the message board. it's back and forth. a lot of fun. please check out premium manipulate. the bill o'reilly christmas holiday store we won't be changing the name of that. if you buy bold fresh you get two tote bags free the american patriot model and the bold fresh tote bag. is that unbelievable? now the letters. pleasure bill: i think traditional marriage definition does matter. and i have stated that many times, dave. i think i have the most powerful argument for man-woman marriage, that you have to have it or anybody plural marriages anything, but it's not among the top tier issues facing the country right new. that's what the point was.
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bill: eick no biblical good book i know many passages are interpreted differently by honest people. bill: did you not see bore della of blood, mike? bill: no chance, tony. i know kung fu. don't mess with me.
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bill: you know, i have been called a lot worse, bill: don't be bold and fresh, keith. bill: excellent, mary lowe, nice reference to bella. signed bold fresh on the way. that was excellent. how about our web site?'reilly.
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that is the factor web site on the fox news band. it's not bill o' we have two web sites in play. then please email us with pithy comments, o' name and town, name and town, name and town if you wish to opine. please, when writing to us, do not be a -- word of the day cure curmudgeon. i screwed that up but don't be one. that is it for us today. factor continues 24/7 on bill o' we have so much good stuff on bill o' you can spend hours on there. please do your christmas shopping and holiday shopping there skip is doing a good job with the shirts. and all of that. i am bill o'reilly. hope to see you next time. remember the spin stops right here. because we are definitely looking out for you. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute


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